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School of Preschool Education

Updated: August 17, 2023

School of Preschool Education was established in 2002, with the Department of Preschool Education as its predecessor. It serves as the only permanent member of Guangdong Provincial Advisory Board of Preschool Education Experts, the chair of Guangdong Provincial Preschool Vocational Education Group, the chair of Guangdong Provincial Preschool Teacher Development Alliance, Guangdong Provincial Training Base for Kindergarten Principals, and Guangdong Provincial Training Base for Preschool Teachers.

Currently, the School offers two programs: Preschool Education and Early Education. The Preschool Education Program, which is a national core program, has in recent years received the approval for the provincial Outstanding Teacher Program and become a provincial first-class brand program. In 2021, the Preschool Education Specialty Group was included in the first batch of provincial high-level specialty groups in vocational colleges.

Currently, the School has 84 faculty members, including one member of the Teaching Advisory Board for Education Majors in Vocational Colleges under the Ministry of Education, one leading figure in the first batch of Guangdong provincial higher vocational education professional talents, one provincial teaching master, one talent cultivated by the college-level “Thousand, Hundred, Ten” Program, and one provincial excellent teaching team. In the past three years, the faculty members have won one first prize in the national teaching ability competition, as well as one first prize, three second prizes and two third prizes in the provincial teaching ability competitions. Moreover, the School won the first prize of Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award twice in 2005 and 2020 and one second prize of the National Excellent Textbook Award.

With a student population of 2780, the School has established a talent cultivation model featuring “integration, diversification and stratification” and cultivates the students in response to their interests, offering personalized training modules in early education, special education, English, arts, etc. In the past five years, our students have received about 200 provincial and higher-level honors. In 2017 and 2018, students won awards in the National Teaching Skills Competition of Preschool Education for two consecutive years. In recent years, the graduates overall employment rate has been 100%, with 40% of them obtaining undergraduate degrees.

Group photo of faculty members

Art exhibition for celebrating the centenary of CPC

Students course works exhibition

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